I came up with the idea to make buttons (NOT an easy task I tell you) for all the girls to earn when they'd do certain tasks. All were fun and light hearted and really helped bring the girls together and had us laughing the whole time. Most of the crazy pictures below are from button earning sessions.
At the lake.

Coloring our shirts made by the talented Elisha.

Eating an ant for a button.

Who said you can't pick your friend's nose! Another button activity.

Service project. All the girls, plus two extras who somehow snuck in there!

This was NOT a button earning event! Don't ask.

Arts and crafts with pens and rubbing alcohol.

Trust falls for a button.

Some of our entertainment. These girls are so talented!

I am SO lucky to get to hang out with these girls! They are amazing and so inspiring. All in all, camp was a success: fun, CRAZY, spiritual and uplifting.