(Note: Click here to see other images).
I know Leah has averred this blog as “her” blog, however, in an effort to celebrate my wonderful wife I thought I would post a “blast” from the past. Here’s a series of photos from our first Valentines’ days (approx. 8 years back. Yikes – we’re getting old. Good thing, love, like high quality cheese only gets better with age. Note: I realize these photos are not up to par with what Leah and her photo buddies are now taking with their fastidious digital cameras; nonetheless just enjoy the antiqued retro feel of these film captured images. Oh, and I should mention I came across these photos on an old 100mb zip disk I had back when I was a junior at BYU in 2000. Back in the day zip disks were sweet. In fact I think it was my collection of 100mb zip disks that won Leah over!