Monday, December 08, 2008

Anderton Family

I'm back from a WHIRLWIND trip to Washington where I did two photoshoots and managed to squeeze in some time with my older sister and family. It was a great trip despite all the driving, where I listened to CD after CD of Christmas music and got thoroughly in the Christmas spirit. (as a side note: we purchased Hotel Cafe last night and it is a MUST HAVE. Seriously, my new favorite Christmas compilation next to Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton).

And where were my children during this you might ask? With my fabulous husband who winded and dined them on a variety of sugar cereals, trips to Kangaroo Zoo, loads of Christmas crafts and ended it all with a ship-shape house. Am I the luckiest girl alive or what?

And now for the Seattle-Andertons:

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Totally started raining here, but how dreamy and stormy is it?
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For all the camera techies out there, this image is SOOC (straight out of camera). Absolutely nothing done it. Three cheers for the 24-70mm on a 5D.
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Jade walls and lime green grass, yes please!
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And now I need to go ice my camera trigger finger.