Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the Christmas festivities

Since we ended up sticking around here for Christmas this year, we hosted Christmas Eve night at our house. Tradition in the Wright family is a big smorgasbord where everyone brings their favorites and we gorge ourselves, and then we have a Christmas program which includes games, the Nativity reenactment, and time to share our feelings about our Savior. It was a perfect evening, ended by Christmas Eve jammies and then we headed over to Geoff's parents' house to spend the night.

The smorgasbord. I make homemade egg rolls every year.

Dennis (Geoff's dad), was given a BYU Snuggie. We were rolling.

All the girls in our aprons made by Geoff's 92 year old grandma.

The boys and their new toys. Isaac is out skiing with Geoff as I type this. The snow is coming down right now, so it should be a good day.

Isaac with his gift from Lucy, dart guns. He's very serious about them as you can tell.

Lucy sporting one of her new princess dresses and accessories.