Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Seven Year Anniversary Husband!

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Today is our anniversary. We were able to go out to dinner on Saturday to the Tree Room up at Sundance to celebrate. While we were eating the most delicious food known to mankind, we made a list of the top 10 memorable events of our marriage. I wont list them here, but boy have we had an awesome marriage together! We've been able to travel, finish school, support eachother in careers, bring two children into this world, and grow as individuals and a couple immensely over the years. I can honestly say that Geoff is my best friend. He's the one I want to share all my joys and sorrows with, and at the end of the day, curl up next to in his safe arms. I'll love you forever husband!

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Seven years later, I still feel this same way about being married to you!