Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines day...again

(the kids making out with a delightful sucker from Ami/grandma)
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I see my husband snuck a post in. Isn't he cute!

On this Valentines day, here are a handful of things things I love:

1. My husband. As you might have seen through comments, today he finishes his dissertation. Words can't describe how happy we both are about it. Geoff has managed to finish his PhD, teach at BYU and be an active husband and father through it all. I love so much about him, but I have to say, his ability to do it all and excel WHILE doing it is so loveable. And he's pretty dang hot.

2. My kids. Lucy brings a smile to my face every time I look at her. She's so happy and so darn cute. Isaac gave me a hug today after having heart quesadillas for lunch, just because. I love that. I love his imagination and quick mind. And I love all the funny things he says, like the other day when he was eating some chicken and said "Mom, this chicken died for me, like Jesus."

3. Friends and family. I love my family so much. There is something about knowing the ins and outs of a group of people that makes getting together so fun, and so funny. And my friends, who have become my family. I love that you love me for who I am.

4. Reading a good book and falling asleep curled up next to the love of my life.